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Recommit! – How To Find Your Fire Again How To Recommit

When you commit to something, whether it’s a diet, a partner, a resolution or job, the passion is there. You feel determined, dedicated and enthusiastic as you begin your new venture. However, as time progresses, your love begins to wane, that burning fire to succeed is now just a flickering flame.

When this happens, you have two options; you can either give up, or you can reignite that spark to fuel your fire again. Recommitting to your goals isn’t the easiest choice. However, being able to work hard for something you love offers so many rewards.

So, if your energy is flagging with something worth persevering with, now is the perfect time to recommit. September brings a sense of newness. As the start of a new season, a new school year and just a quarter of 2019 left to go; there’s plenty of energy available to help you recommit. But, if you’re struggling, here’s how to find your fire again.

How To Recommit


One of the most significant obstructions to our goals is fatigue. We get bored with being the hamster on the wheel, frustrated that there seems to be no end in sight for the goals we want to achieve. If you feel bored, tired and trapped in your situation, rest may be just what you need to get yourself back on track.

Sleep, rest and relaxation are vital for our minds and bodies. You cannot expect to have the energy to realise your dreams if you don’t give yourself the fuel you need. Take time off where you can, sleep when you need to and take your mind off your goals occasionally so that you can direct new, revitalised energy to them.


When you first start out, you may feel so excited and happy to begin a new goal or stage in your life. However, you then feel stuck and unable to get past a certain point. When you can’t see any progress, it may be that there is a key element missing.

Take time to reassess your goals and whether it is what you actually want. Are you really practising what you preach? You may find that there is something critical missing from your goal, or perhaps that your goals need adjusting slightly to make sure you reach your dreams.


Your energy can flag if you’re stuck in a routine. You may find you are just functioning on autopilot, rather than challenging yourself to move and think in a different way. Giving yourself a new challenge can give you the motivation to reach your existing goals.

For example, if you only ever run or jog for fitness, why not try a new class at your local gym? If you’re delivering another pitch at work, what can you do to make your presentation unique while challenging yourself to think bigger? If you’re bored of the same date venues with your partner, why not find somewhere that’s new, exciting and completely out of your comfort zone?

You never know what spark you can ignite from trying something new.


Is it fear that’s holding you back? Sometimes fear can trigger a positive ‘fight’ response that can keep you motivated. InAt other times, it may trigger a ‘flight’ response which can cause you to give up on your dreams. By addressing and dispelling your fear, you can find it much easier to recommit to your goals.

The first step is to recognise that it is fear that is holding you back. Then work out what it is that scares you and what the best- and the realistic worst-case scenario would be if your fears were realised. You may find that they are not worth worrying about at all.

Of course, if you are struggling to get past your fears. Hypnotherapy can really help to understand and manage fears, to give you back control.


When you begin a commitment, think of it like a seed that you plant. In order for the seed to grow and realise its potential, it needs a range of resources. This is the same for you and your goals. Make sure you are fulfilling your needs, whether it is through me-time, socialising, healthy eating, exercise or love and support to provide you with enough sustenance to keep going.

It can also really adapt to establish a mindset of plenty. Remembering that what you have is enough for you right now, even if your goal is to keep going and get more of what you want.


Even when you feel like giving up, to recommit you need to remember the love that spurred you into action in the first place. As you keep going, hopefully, you’ll find more of this love along the way which will make your end goal seem so much more worthwhile.


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