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Overeating a Problem? Here is the Solution

We eat to meet a basic physiological need – hunger. However, when we turn to overeating, our objectives are different. People turn to overeating in an attempt to soothe their emotions. If overeating results from physical reasons, then it may be due to food allergies, sugar sensitivity, vitamin or mineral deficiencies, or a low blood sugar count.

Weight Loss hypnotherapy covers the reasons we overeat emotionally. This enables you to better understand the reason for overeating so you can better handle stress or anxiety.

How Hypnosis Helps

All these areas are interrelated whenever you overeat. No matter how you are using the food, you are turning to sustenance to alleviate stress, anxiety, or emotional pain. In turn, hypnosis grounds you so you are more nurturing to yourself. This type of approach results in a higher level of self-acceptance and compassion.

Regardless of the session you are undergoing for overeating, the goal of hypnotherapy remains the same. Hypnosis aims to identify the stressors that cause a person to overeat. Therapy enables the client to overcome each issue of their addiction problem by the power of suggestion. In turn, the client rebuilds their overall well-being and self-esteem.  

Food is Used as A Coping Mechanism

People who overeat often feel a lack of control over food. Therefore, they blame themselves for their addiction. Focusing on food is a coping mechanism. A food addiction o is defined, therapeutically, as a compulsive disorder. It may be associated with stress and, when left untreated, affects one’s self-esteem. Hypnosis intervenes by correcting certain behaviours and negative patterns of thought. Their therapy enables a client to recognise the problem once and for all.

As with any other kind of addiction, you must be willing to make a change. Once you make the decision, hypnotherapy can help you succeed in your weight loss objectives.

A Highly Relaxed State

Hypnotherapy guides a client into a trance-like and highly relaxed state. Whilst some people believe you fall asleep, you remain awake. You are fully cognizant. Suggestive statements challenge your thoughts and association with food. Your relationship with food is explored by taking into account your emotional state and past experiences.

Hypnotherapy for emotional eating helps you identify emotional triggers. As a result, you do not turn to food to relieve stress. The mental detox segment washes away negative thoughts that cause issues with self-esteem.

Complement the Balance between Diet and Exercise

Portion control, when treated with hypnotherapy, enables the client to eat reasonable portions of food. Hypnotherapy helps the client recognise when they are eating too much.  When you eat to get rid of hunger, and not soothe pain, you are ready to exercise regularly. By week four, you can use hypnotherapy to complement the balance between diet and exercise.

Why People Crave Food

Cravings often result from eating too many sugary or salty foods. According to scientists, these kinds of foods increase endorphins in the body.

Endorphins are opiate-type chemicals that make you feel relaxed. Therefore, eating salty or sugary food produces an addiction – one where you use processed or packaged foods (loaded with sugar or salt) to feel calmer and less stressed. When you get rid of the cravings, through hypnotherapy, you can exert more control over what you eat.

Following the programme will lead you to treat self-esteem issues more effectively. By this point in the process, you will have more control over your food choices. You will also be able to face, with more clarity, any self-esteem issues.

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Beverley Sinclair

Clinical Hypnotherapist

07956 694818


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