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Using Hypnotherapy I Can Help You Manage The Symptoms of Psoriasis

Do you feel embarrassed about your condition? Does it make you feel ugly and disgusting? Sometimes these feelings can be accompanied by feelings of worthlessness and helplessness and a belief that you will never get rid of it. These feelings and beliefs hamper any recovery. Removal of these beliefs is paramount to achieving a successful outcome.

Psoriasis is often triggered by childhood trauma or a period of high stress. Things like bullying, bereavement, moving to a new house, changing schools, divorce, the birth of a sibling can all create internal conflict, low self-esteem, anger, frustration and low self-confidence at a very young age. This type of self-conditioning can be powerful and become deep-rooted.

​Using hypnotherapy for psoriasis can have incredible results for some sufferers.

It is quite common for a client with psoriasis to feel that they are:-

  • Not good enough

  • Disgusting

  • Ugly

  • Useless

  • Worthless

The psoriasis sufferer often identifies themselves with psoriasis and believe that they will never get rid of it. It is these feelings and beliefs that maintain and hamper any recovery. Removal of these beliefs is paramount to achieving a successful outcome for the client

What causes psoriasis

For most of the clients we have worked with, the event which seems to trigger it off is a childhood trauma or a period of high stress. Things like:-

  • Divorce

  • Moving home

  • Changing schools

  • Bereavement

  • Bullying

  • Significant illness

  • Abuse

  • Birth of sibling

Of course, this list is not exhaustive but the majority of the clients we have seen. These sort of events can create internal conflict, low self-esteem, anger, frustration or low self-confidence within the client.

We use hypnotherapy for psoriasis to create a change in the beliefs and feelings that clients hold about themselves at a subconscious level. We also lessen the effects of any trauma or stressful events that have happened in the past, by allowing the client to reassess the events, processing it with their adult mind.

Skin conditions can make us feel frustrated. Through our Skin Conditions, NLP and Hypnotherapy is an extremely helpful tool and aims to allow the sufferer to take control of any itching, discomfort and pain and everything else that goes with these conditions, such as stress, self-confidence, low self-esteem, anxiety and any fears or phobias that arise. There is a mind-body connection, hypnotherapy is highly successful to identify and understand habits and behavioural traits that might be triggering and maintaining the condition. You will learn how to reduce the intensity of these feelings and start to see things from a different perspective and consolidate new thinking as well as aiding deep relaxation.

Hypnosis relaxes and calms individuals, allowing one’s subconscious mind to accept positive suggestions for their well-being. This experience helps you reflect calmly and positively and cope with the days, weeks, and months ahead. finding inner peace within yourself and others, as well as aiding deep relaxation.


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Beverley Sinclair

Clinical Hypnotherapist

07956 694818


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