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Stopping Smoking Successfully with Hypnotherapy

Most smokers are hooked on a habit they hate. It’s true. For the majority of smokers, they would be happy never to smoke again. Most hate the taste, and the smell and would like to get rid of feeling self-conscious in public places

It is a known fact that smoking affects your health. Even social smokers have experienced a sore throat or difficulty breathing at some point. And, of course, there’s the threat of more serious health consequences.

There are so many incentives to stop smoking; Health, money, family and more.

So why do smokers find it so hard to quit?

The reason is simple. Nicotine addiction is deeply rooted in the subconscious mind. Stress, mealtimes, driving, and drinking alcohol can all subconsciously trigger thoughts that cause cigarette cravings.

The biggest problem for most smokers is actually ‘taking the plunge’,” Most smokers want to stop but when it comes to making that decision, emotions and an addictive mindset can get in the way. It’s all too easy to find an excuse and put it off. This can go on for years.

Key Facts

  • Smoking kills more than 13 people an hour.

  • Smoking causes 84% of deaths from lung cancer.

  • Smoking is the largest preventable cause of death and related disease in the United Kingdom.

  • Smoking cuts life expectancy.

Hypnotherapy to Stop Smoking

The good news is hypnotherapy is now the most successful therapy to help a person quit smoking, for good!

With Hypnotherapy, your chances of stopping smoking are very high. It has been shown to have the highest success rate in stopping smoking hypnosis is more effective than nicotine gum, nicotine patches or vaping. Millions of people have stopped smoking through hypnosis. It is important to know there are no harmful side effects with stopping smoking hypnotherapy. It is a safe and very relaxing experience.

The Benefits of being a non-smoker

  • You become so much healthier by no longer being a smoker.

  • Imagine how much younger, fitter and more healthier you will feel.

  • Quitting you will lengthen your life by many years or if not by many decades.

  • You will save so much money every year, and be able to spend it on other things that are healthier and more enjoyable.

  • Imagine how good food and drink will taste and smell when your taste buds recover.

  • Most people feel a sense of freedom once they kick the unhealthy habit.

Because it is often difficult to quit smoking, those who wish to stop, especially those who have attempted to quit in the past and experienced difficulty doing so, may find therapy can provide them with extra support. There is no one way to succeed at quitting, but studies have shown that even one meeting with a therapist or a group of people who are also attempting to quit can increase the likelihood of success. Lengthier time in treatment will generally improve the likelihood of being able to quit completely.

Therapy can help address and treat the causes of a smoking habit. If stress creates the urge to smoke, therapy that encourages the exploration of coping methods can reduce the desire to smoke in challenging and overwhelming situations. If smoking is a coping method to deal with the symptoms of a mental health condition such as depression or anxiety, alternative coping methods may be developed through therapy, and treatment can also focus on the underlying cause of the mental health issue. If symptoms of depression, anxiety, or another condition recede, so might the desire to smoke. An awareness of triggers for smoking can be gained in therapy and alternative behaviors can be explored, both of which may help break the habit of smoking.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can also be helpful to smoking cessation. In CBT, methods to reframe negative or self-defeating thoughts can be explored, which may make it easier to cope with nicotine cravings and any unpleasant emotions or feelings associated with quitting, such as symptoms of withdrawal. CBT treatments may increase the likelihood that an attempt to quit is successful. Residential treatment has also demonstrated effectiveness for helping people successfully quit smoking, perhaps due in part to the fact that the treatment involves being removed from one's daily routine and stressors that might dictate a person's smoking habits.


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Beverley Sinclair

Clinical Hypnotherapist

07956 694818


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