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Language – Watch What You Say To Yourself Language is Important

Some may say that if you talk to yourself it may be a sign of madness! But what if I was to tell you that the language that you use is SO important that it can be detrimental to your health and crucial to happiness?

Language is such an important part of our lives, and I am not talking about foreign languages here, I am talking about the language we speak to ourselves. The language you use to yourself influences everything you do, from changing negative or self-sabotaging behaviours to reinforcing them.

When we engage in negative self-talk, it impacts our thinking, and these negative thoughts create feelings of anger, irritation, frustration, hopelessness and disappointment.

I wonder how many times a day you are reinforcing beliefs and behaviours that you are otherwise trying to change or eradicate?

So I have a little exercise for you to do, let’s see where your self-talk is at!

Sit down quietly, write down the behaviour or belief you want to change. Then make two columns. In the first column, you will list what language you are using currently – i.e., I can’t do it, I don’t have enough training, who am I to think I can have that? In the second column list the affirmative and opposite of this result language, i.e., I am enough, I can have anything I want, I am worthy, I can learn anything I desire. Etc.

You get the picture. Then repeat these affirmative language phrases daily, if you catch yourself slipping back to old negative thinking, quickly re-affirm with your affirmative language. We all know that to train a dog, you need to do some repetitive training and use affirmative language so that the dog knows it has pleased you. Well, you need to use the same tactics with yourself.


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