The Essential Components of Emotional Healing The Psychological Hurt
Emotional healing is a process in which you accept all your painful life experiences and the negative emotional reaction generated from them. It means you have mastered the art of coping with various stressors.
When you are emotionally healed, you don’t feel the psychological hurt that was bothering you some time back. Your mental wounds have closed up and you do not feel any significant pain.
In this process of healing, your past will not become a barrier to living the present moment happily and peacefully. Healing your emotions and changing your negative thoughts will allow you to assemble all the broken parts of yourself.
You can come to terms with your grief, thereby becoming more strong and more confident from within.
Key Elements in Emotional Healing
Emotional healing is an inward journey to identify and explore your negative feelings, and emotional wounds and find the best ways to release them. The process of emotional healing has the following elements.
Observe and acknowledge your troubling thoughts and feelings.
Get positive cues from it on how to resolve these emotional blockages.
Accept those feelings as they are without making judgments.
You need to go deeper into your subconscious thoughts to understand the root cause of the problem.
To learn coping skills to resolve sorrow, anger or guilt.
Grow and develop emotionally on a deeper and spiritual level.
What is Emotional Pain?
It is a mental suffering and an unpleasant feeling of a non-physical origin. It is a state where you feel broken, wounded, and hurt. You may lose control of your emotions. Feel anxious and anguished all the time.
Emotional pain is associated with four common feelings of sadness, unexpressed anger, anxiety, and guilt.
Warning Signs of Emotional Pain
When bad things happen in our lives, it takes time to come to terms with their negative effects. The emotional pain and psychological trauma may be a result of a stressful event that shattered your sense of security.
It made you feel helpless and anxious. You are full of upsetting emotions and feelings and
have little or no control over the situation. The signs of emotional pain show that you need inner healing.
Anger and mood swings.
Confusion, loss of memory and difficulty in concentrating.
Feelings of guilt, shame, and disbelief.
You feel sad and helpless.
Lack of social communication.
Withdrawing from others and leading a lonely life.
Insomnia and loss of physical energy.
Difficulty in showing love, trust and sympathy to others.
A constant state of anxiety and worries interrupts daily functioning as well.
You react to your negative emotions more often than become responsive. Getting stuck in a vicious circle of mental pressure and agony.
You do not let go of your negative emotions rather try to hold onto them.
Feelings of insecurity and poor self-esteem.
Overreaction to a petty situation triggers your emotional world.
Holding grudges and difficulty in forgiving others.
A lot of relationship issues trouble you from time to time. Bad relationship patterns lurk high in your daily lives.
You may get frequent emotional highs and lows.
5 Stages of Emotional Healing
After a deeply emotional experience, you are left with a sort of debris lying within that needs to be cleared. You are haunted by the memories that take away your peace of mind. Emotional Healing requires you to take some conscious action to assemble all the broken parts of yourself into one complete whole.
The process of emotional healing has a few stages. You learn to accept all your emotions without being judgmental. Emotional healing is a process that requires skill and patience. The stages of emotional healing are
1. Suffering
Emotional suffering comes from the denial and dishonouring of our painful emotions. In an emotional healing process, it is good for you to surrender to your suffering. Do not try to escape from your pain.
Just be present with your emotions, and feel the rhythm, vibration, and essence of your pain. You will have to understand and feel your emotions to heal them.
2. Awareness
Increasing awareness of your emotions means you are capable to name what you feel, how you feel, and why you feel a particular emotion. Once you know your feelings, you will feel motivated to resolve your negative feelings healthily. You will approach, accept and tolerate the way you feel.
This is very important for healing your sad and anxious feelings. This is an action-based stage, where understanding your painful emotions helps to heal your wounds deep within. When you know what your emotions are telling you, you are better equipped to cope with it.
3. Confrontation
The third stage toward emotional healing is to face your emotional pain. You confront the emotional issue that you were avoiding. This stage gives you relief as running away from problems can only make things worse. Be ready to face your emotional blockage.
Have honest self-talk to analyze your emotional problems. Identify your emotional triggers and face them. When you face your negative feelings, you know how to accept them and feel better.
4. Expression
After you confront your painful emotions you tend to avoid them. In this stage, you will have to honour your pain. To heal, you need to express your emotions. You need to cry, if you feel sad, you will yell and scream in an empty room to release your unexpressed anger.
This makes you feel good. Give yourself a safe time and space to yourself to experience the uninterrupted expression of what you feel. Do not allow your emotions to linger in your physical body for too long, as it may lead to mental exhaustion and withdrawal.
With time and patience, you will be close to recovery.
5. Acceptance
The fifth stage of emotional healing is acceptance. This stage makes you feel empty of feelings. You may feel numb about all your painful experiences. As if it has become a part of your soul. When you accept your undesirable emotions, you have mastered them.
The pain is gone and it will no longer try to rule your present thoughts and feelings.
