Image - Definition, Facts, Statistics & Issues Body Image
Definition of Body Image

A healthy body image means you feel comfortable in your body and you feel good about the way you look. This includes what you think and feel about your appearance and how you judge your own self-worth. A negative body image can put you at higher risk of certain mental health conditions, such as eating disorders and depression.
What do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you see your body positively or negatively? Are you happy or sad about the way you look? Ugh, my hair looks horrible! I think I need to lose a little weight. My figure looks fabulous! These are all comments that we, as individuals, have said to ourselves at one point or another, and they all relate to body image.
What is body image? Body image refers to how people see themselves when they look in a mirror. People can have a positive or negative body image of themselves. A positive body image is when people accept themselves regardless of body weight or shape.
Woman Looking at Body Image in Mirror
A negative body image is when people feel that they need to improve their bodies because they are unhappy with the way their bodies look.
Facts About Body Image
Many contributors help to control the way people feel about their bodies, especially when it comes to a negative body image. How people feel about their body image is usually dependent upon how they feel about themselves, how physical they are throughout the day, and how people, including family members, speak to them about how they look.
Of course, the fact that the advertisement world displays a perfect body image, while the media constantly exhibits individuals who are fit and in shape, just adds to the confusion of just what a normal body is to look like.
Teenagers, on the other hand, experience a number of situations which can affect how they perceive their body image. Because body image is so closely linked to self-esteem, it is critical that these children positively view themselves. In addition to the media and other external influences, teenagers have to deal with the hormones that accompany puberty, which may result in more negative feelings about the body changes they are currently experiencing.
Statistics on Body Image
Statistics have shown that there is an overall negativity regarding body image. According to Brown University, almost three-fourths of women have reported thinking about their weight constantly throughout the day, and nearly half of all men do the same. In addition to always thinking about their weight, it has been reported that more than half of all women feel some sort of negative influence about their body image after they have looked at women's magazines.
A negative body image can lead to an array of issues including eating disorders, cosmetic surgeries and depression. According to Kids Health, up to two percent of all teenagers will battle an eating disorder.
Issues Regarding Body Image
Issues regarding body image can be both positive and negative. There are positive effects that stem from having a positive self-body image. When people are happy or content with how they look, they will not worry about unnecessary tasks like dieting. They may also not suffer from eating disorders, and they can accept themselves regardless of their body shapes.