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How to Master Subconscious Mind with Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is a branch of therapy that has always piqued everyone’s curiosity. 

While the skeptics among us may not be entirely convinced, those who have tried and tested this form of treatment know much about its effectiveness and vast range of benefits.

Hypnosis is a tool used by hypnotherapists to treat issues and ailments at both the emotional and physical levels. This means it can also be used to take control of your subconscious mind.

Since the way our subconscious mind works is very intricate, it is somewhat challenging for us to fully grasp it’s far reaching influence on our lives. Put simply, our subconscious serves as an evaluation system that affects our daily decisions, without us being aware of it.

With this in mind, if you’re looking to find out more information about how to control your subconscious mind and where hypnotherapy comes in, we’ve got you covered.

We’ve put together a short piece on all you need to know about hypnotherapy and the subconscious mind to help you develop a better understanding. 

So without further ado, let’s take a look!

The Workings Of The Subconscious Mind

The working of our subconscious is completely invisible, meaning we have no way of accounting why we may suddenly like or dislike a particular thing or person for seemingly no reason whatsoever. 

Since the main goal of hypnotherapy is typically to overcome a problem, anxiety, addiction or phobia, therapy sessions with professionals like Susannah are the absolute best place to start. The main takeaway – you develop a better understanding of your mind as you eventually understand how to master your subconscious. The whole idea is to manifest mindful solutions that help you develop a better understanding that has a positive outcome.

With its various applications in areas dealing with problems like anxiety, depression, skin conditions including acne, weight loss, social phobia, etc, hypnotherapy has proved incredibly effective.

Aside from this, there are several other things you can do on your own to master your subconscious mind. These small steps may give you that much-needed push to start taking control of your mind. They include:


While being recognised as a fairly popular way of improving focus, concentration and thoughts, meditation is an incredibly underrated tool that has been shown to deliver a multitude of health benefits. 

Since calming our minds can be challenging, especially with the many responsibilities in everyday life, it can be just what you need to take a break from the chaos and rid yourself of negativity.


Self-hypnosis is a method where you learn to evaluate yourself by becoming focused and absorbed in the different experiences you face to reinforce positivity. With this, reaching goals becomes an empowering process that helps you better control your mind and thoughts.

With the right frame of mind, a lot can be achieved and with self-hypnosis you can work on just that. Paired with meditation, it can be a great way to control your subconscious mind.


Another great technique to control your subconscious mind is through visualisation. This serves as a go-to for many people. Through cognisant visualisation, you can essentially reprogram your subconscious by expanding the realms of your creativity and imagination.

This can prime our body and mind to behave the way we want it to, to take better control of our lives, making it an effective technique.

Why Control Your Subconscious Mind With Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy can take many different forms with the most common being ‘solution focused’ or goal oriented. It can serve as a curative approach that works on the root cause of a problem you’re facing. It can also help rid yourself of negative thoughts and anxieties festering in your subconscious mind. This makes hypnotherapy an effective form of therapy that is slowly gaining popularity.

For those who want to change a particular thought process, belief, or physical ailment, entering a trance-like state with hypnotherapy sessions is ideal.. 

If you’re looking to control your subconscious mind to work on any fear and phobias, addictions, stress and anxiety or any other problem you may be dealing with, hypnotherapy serves as a proactive approach where every individual is guided to making that change within themselves. 


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Beverley Sinclair

Clinical Hypnotherapist

07956 694818


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