How To Lose Weight Naturally Before Christmas And New Year
Being overweight can have serious consequences on different areas of your life including physical, psychological, and social. It can exacerbate many health problems including metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and coronary artery disease. It can also lead to depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. By losing just a couple of pounds each week, you can reduce your risk of developing these conditions.
Losing weight is one of the most common resolutions people make each year. However, doing it before the holidays can be more beneficial to you as it enables you to look and feel good when holiday dinners and parties are all over the place. Here are some tips to help you lose weight naturally before the holidays:
Add protein to your diet
Protein is one of those macronutrients that can help you significantly lose weight. It has an impact on the body-fat percentage and helps boost metabolism. Adding more protein to your diet can make you full longer and help fight hunger pangs.
To supercharge your metabolism, experts suggest having 25 to 45 percent of your calorie intake from protein. Some of the best sources include eggs, fish and seafood, milk and milk products, nuts, beans, chicken, pork, and beef.
Cut back on sugar
A researcher from the University of California has spent years studying the effects of sugar on the body. Study after a study led him to solid evidence that sugar is toxic. Too much sugar in the diet can overload the liver and turn fructose (a form of sugar) into fat. It also increases insulin resistance, making you more prone to metabolic syndrome.
Sugar is commonly found in highly processed food. You can significantly reduce your sugar intake by cutting back on these foods.
Choose your carbs wisely
Not all carbs are created the same. Simple carbs are those that are easily absorbed by the body and cause a quick rise in blood sugar and insulin secretion from the pancreas. On the other hand, complex carbs are those with complex chemical structures that have a less immediate impact on the blood sugar level.
Foods that cause a quick surge of blood sugar are linked to the development of heart diseases, type 2 diabetes and being overweight. The food glycemic index can serve as a guide. The higher is the food’s glycemic index, the more you should cut back on it as it causes substantial fluctuations in blood sugar. These include white bread and other processed food.
Drink more water
Unlike other beverages, water doesn’t contain any sugar or calories. Some studies suggest that drinking plenty of water each day can lead to weight loss due to its effect on the metabolic rate.[7] However, some experts believed that the weight loss effect of drinking water is because water can make you feel fuller which helps reduce your calorie intake.
How Hypnotherapy Can Help You

Lose Weight
The following are some of how hypnotherapy can help you lose weight:
It teaches you to trust yourself.
We, hypnotherapists, believe that the answer lies within you. You have innate abilities to achieve whatever goal that you want; it’s a matter of finding balance. Hypnotherapy can help you find that.
It helps you visualize your success.
In hypnosis, you will not be told what to do; rather, you will be provided with suggestions to help you achieve your goal. It could be in making you more motivated to exercise or getting rid of unhealthy cravings.
It gets rid of counterproductive ways of losing weight.
Whether it’s behaviour or thoughts, hypnotherapy can help you figure out why you’re keeping an unhealthy habit and come up with strategies to counteract it.