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How To Handle Emotional Intelligence In Your Relationship

Emotional Intelligence is one of the most undervalued traits in modern society. We understand and value rationality, IQ, intellect and knowledge but we often neglect emotional intelligence. This is to our detriment as people with high levels of emotional intelligence are some of the happiest, most successful and well-loved around.

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence focuses on your ability to be aware of and has control over your emotions so that you can express these emotions appropriately. With this, to develop interpersonal relationships and improve positive traits such as empathy and sympathy.

Emotional intelligence aids communication levels. In a relationship, there are so many intense emotions that a high level of emotional intelligence is almost fundamental if you want to be able to communicate and understand your partner effectively. A healthy relationship relies on communication, and if you’re dating someone with low emotional intelligence, it may feel like you’re in a relationship with an immature and sulking teenager!

So, if you’re struggling to communicate effectively with your partner, could emotional intelligence be to blame? Here are some of the key signs of low emotional intelligence.

It can be broken down into four parts:

Perceiving Emotions

Are you usually aware of how other people feel or do angry outbursts or tears often take you by surprise? Can you empathise with others and understand how they feel or do you keep an awkward distance? Do you recognise the onset of different emotions within yourself or do you often feel confused by your feelings?

Emotionally intelligent people are acutely aware of their own emotions and recognise a full spectrum of feelings. They perceive emotions in others that go undetected and are aware of subtle indicators of mood and tone.

Understanding Emotions

Do you find yourself feeling happy, sad or anxious but unsure why? Do you struggle to understand why others feel the way they do? Do complex emotions often leave you feeling helpless or bewildered?

As well as recognising specific emotions, emotionally intelligent people understand what has led to these feelings. They know that emotions aren’t always rational or truthful and are mindful of their subjectivity. They also understand complex or mixed emotions and how one can lead to another.

Managing Emotions

Do you often rant, break down or snap at people when your feelings become too much? Do your emotions ever prevent you from carrying out tasks? Do you feel emotions becoming stronger as you try to repress them?

Those with high emotional intelligence recognise their emotions but manage them effectively so they don’t adversely affect their lives. Anger is controlled and prevented from being a destructive influence on relationships. Sadness is acknowledged but delayed until there’s space and time to address it fully.

You won’t often see an emotionally intelligent person losing their temper, bursting into tears or paralysed by fear or anxiety. It’s not that they don’t feel the same emotions as everyone else, but they recognise them, manage them and express them appropriately and healthily.

Expressing Emotions

Do you often lash out in anger or always think before speaking? Do you find it easy to talk about complex emotions or do you feel uncomfortable in highly charged situations? Do you avoid conflict or handle it well?

Emotionally Intelligent people express a full range of emotions easily and find healthy and constructive ways to communicate their feelings without placing blame. They know when to be firm and when to give way, they can deal with conflict without feeling guilty or making the situation more volatile and they are usually bright, open and charismatic.

They understand how to encourage happiness but can deal with negative emotions when required. They build close, authentic relationships based on trust and mutual respect and can overcome deep feelings such as guilt or resentment.

Develop Your Emotional Intelligence

If you think you could improve your emotional intelligence you’re not alone. It’s one of the most underdeveloped and undertaught skills today, so most of us could do it with some help. When we become more emotionally intelligent we are happier, able to build better relationships and more successful.

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Beverley Sinclair

Clinical Hypnotherapist

07956 694818



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