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How to Become Master of Your Emotions? Challenging Negativity Thought Patterns

How to Become Master of Your Emotions? This is a question I’m frequently asked. Our emotions serving an important purpose. Moreover fear alerting us to danger. Guilt letting us know we might have behaved badly. And anger protecting us against mistreatment. However, sometimes our emotions take over.As a result ruling our minds and governing our behaviour.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Emotional intelligence helps in mastering your own emotions. As well as understanding and expressing emotions more clearly. The benefits including less stress and anxiety. Moreover improving relationships and success at work

Tips for Mastering Your Emotions

  1. Slowing Down

Firstly in order to identify and process our emotions, we need to slow down. If you’re becoming overwhelmed by your emotions, the temptation is to speed up. But this extra activity doesn’t always help. Slow down, calm yourself and focus.

  1. Listening to Your Body

Are the physical effects of emotions making you feel out of control? Causing sweating, nausea, overheating, muscle tension and headaches. It’s important to recognise these physical symptoms and react accordingly. Waiting for them to subside before making any decisions with a clear head.

  1. Acting Consciously

Often strong emotions cause us to give in to automatic reactions. Start making an effort to react consciously. Thus avoiding heat-of-the-moment weakness. You can’t always control your emotions. But you can control how you‘re reacting to them.

  1. Recognising Conditioning

Do you tend to deal with certain emotions in the same way? Perhaps you eat when you’re sad

Or lash out when you’re angry. Early experiences condition us to deal with emotions in specific ways. Especially if you have experienced a difficult childhood.

  1. Challenging Negativity

Your thoughts give your negative emotions strength. Or bringing them under control. A small niggle becomes overwhelming when left unchecked. For example, after a small set back feel sad, angry and disappointed. These emotions give rise to negative self-talk – “I’ll never make it”, “I’m so useless”.

These are examples of all-or-nothing thinking, mind reading and extreme negativity. Operating in this way strengthens negative emotions.

  1. Responding Positively

What’s the best way of responding to a setback? Start by focusing on what you’re feeling and why. Are you disappointed because you didn’t get a job? Or angry that you missed an opportunity. A better way is to make sure you separate feelings from facts. As well as focusing on the positive. As well as learning from your experiences.

7. Asking yourself

Ask yourself why are you so upset? Is it because you’ve wasted effort? What can get you back on track? Life coaching is very effective at helping people work through emotions. As well as planning for the future. In addition, focusing on dealing with negative emotions healthily as they arise.

8. Handling Complex Emotions

Complex emotions can be confusing. As a result, avoid dealing with them. Try taking a step back and unpicking everything you’re feeling. It may help to talk to someone about what you’re feeling. Avoiding magnifying or minimising things. Learn to recognise that what you’re feeling, doesn’t always represent reality. Emotions are complex and unpredictable. There is no ‘right’ way of feeling.

  1. Learning to Express Your Emotions

Talking about feelings is a healthy way to process your emotions. There are many ways of expressing your feelings clearly whilst avoiding judging others. Use “I” statements. Inviting others to share their feelings when appropriate. And avoiding any ‘should’ and ‘ought’ statements.


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Beverley Sinclair

Clinical Hypnotherapist

07956 694818


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