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How To Be An Authentic Person Traits of Authenticity

Are you wondering how to be a more authentic person? A question people are asking all the time. Authentic people tend to form great relationships, as well as doing well at work and generally in life. They’re seen as confident and self-assured, trustworthy and confident communicators. But what does being an authentic person really mean? And can we all achieve it?

Traits of Authentic People

Knowing Yourself

Firstly, authentic people have spent a good amount of time getting to know and understand themselves. This involves discovering your likes, dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. But also deeper things such as your values, motivations and beliefs.

Time spent on personal growth is seen as time well spent. And spending enough time alone makes them at ease in their own company.

Separating Truth From Fiction

Secondly, authentic people are good at separating fact from fiction. Furthermore, existing in their own frame of reference. Being mindful of their own pressures, perspectives or beliefs helps authenticity.

Setting Personal Goals

Thirdly, they tend to set themselves goals and prize these over those set by society or others. Setting benchmarks which matter to them helps confidence grow and brings success more readily.

Authentic Self-Expression

Do you have a different persona at home, at work and with friends? If so this can be frustrating. As well as coming across as insincere. Aim to be your authentic self in all aspects of your life.

Building Meaningful Relationships

Authentic people are generally well liked. This is because people respond to their honesty and openness. They tend to form positive, lasting relationships. And where possible, surround themselves with other people who align with their own values.

Developing Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence means they’re in touch with their emotions and comfortable speaking their own mind. They’re good at recognising emotions in others which helps build trust. They’re in tune with their own reactions and thoughts.

Help to become more authentic

In conclusion, honesty and openness allows authentic people to talk about their weaknesses and failures. They’re willing to ask for help when they need it. They are accepting of both their strengths and weaknesses.


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