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How Stress affects Perimenopause and Menopause

Most people are aware that stress is something that needs to be taken care of because it can lead to physical and emotional problems. But stress during perimenopause and menopause can increase the negative impact on your body and your emotions. Perimenopause and menopause can add to the stress that you already have in your life because one minute you’re up and one minute you’re down – something that can also be experienced with PMS. This hormonal stress – in addition to any stress – can make your life feel like a huge struggle. On top of that, the side effects of menopause also add to the stress that you feel. All of this causes you to deal with life differently. What happens is that your reaction to the stressors changes during menopause. Before menopause, waiting in traffic might not seem like such a big deal. During menopause, it can seem like the worst thing in the world – and that’s because of the fluctuating hormone levels. Warning signs that you need some stress management relief during perimenopause and menopause, are that you’ve developed trouble sleeping, trouble eating and your emotions seem over the top to you. You can’t always help the emotions that you experience during menopause. But what you can do is to make some changes so that the stress is managed. By better managing the stress, you can lessen the emotional impact you go through with menopause. Stress always makes everything worse. When you manage stress, you take it out of the equation. You can manage stress by making sure you exercise. Exercise releases feel-good hormones that can improve the way you handle emotions. Getting involved in an activity to help alleviate stress can also help. Another way that you can manage the stress to help your emotions during menopause is to be in control of your body by getting to a hormonal solution. For some women, this means seeking the help of someone qualified to deal with the emotional side effects of menopause. Seek the support of your friends. Being social, even when you’re not feeling like yourself, can help boost your mood and lower the stress you’re experiencing. Find the joy in your life. 10-Day Stress Cleanse Take action with this free 10-Day Stress Cleanse and learn how to reduce stress and get control of it. Self-care Menopause can be an energy-draining experience. Learn to practice some self-love and treat yourself with kindness. Say no to situations or to people that cause your stress level to rise. Here is an article on Ways to improve self-love and self-care.


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