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From Panic to Peace: Hypnotherapy for Panic Attacks

Experiencing sudden and intense fear or anxiety, accompanied by a racing heartbeat, sweating, or shortness of breath, may indicate a panic attack. This can be a distressing experience, disrupting daily life. While the exact cause of panic attacks is not fully understood, they are believed to be influenced by biological and environmental factors. A family history of anxiety or panic disorders can increase the likelihood of experiencing panic attacks, as can certain life events or traumatic experiences.

The good news is that panic attacks can be effectively treated with various forms of therapy. We will explore how hypnotherapy for panic attacks works and explore how it can offer relief.

Panic Attacks and Anxiety: What’s the Connection?

Feelings of anxiety often precede panic attacks, with excessive stress being a common trigger. While experiencing anxiety is a natural stress response, it can become overwhelming and disruptive to daily life, leading to the development of an anxiety disorder. This type of disorder often encompasses a panic disorder and is characterized persistent fear and worry about future events or situations. Panic attacks and anxiety attacks, sudden and intense episodes of fear and anxiety, are common symptoms of a panic disorder. Those experiencing panic attacks often have underlying anxiety issues. Hypnotherapy for panic attacks can help individuals address root problems and make positive changes in their lives.

Hypnotherapy for Panic Attacks ?

Hypnotherapy is an alternative form of therapy that uses hypnosis and various other techniques to help individuals access their own subconscious and make deliberate, positive changes to their thought patterns, emotional responses and behaviours. When it comes to using hypnotherapy for panic attacks, you will be able to identify and address the underlying causes of your anxiety, which will eventually have an impact on your panic attacks.

With hypnotherapy for panic attacks, you will develop a sense of control over your own thoughts and feelings. accessing the root causes of panic attacks while developing new strategies to deal with them. 


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Beverley Sinclair

Clinical Hypnotherapist

07956 694818



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