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Finding Work-life Balance When Working From Home

Whether in the UK or abroad, finding the right work-life balance when working from home means both businesses and employees taking positive action. Here are our top tips on how each can play their part in promoting wellbeing of homeworkers. What businesses can do to improve work-life balance?

  1. Encourage employees to use their annual leave Working from home is no holiday, and a proper break will mean employees return refreshed and motivated.

  2. Be flexible Where you can, allow employees to fit their working hours around important commitments, like childcare.

  3. Review workloads regularly Make sure no one’s suffering in silence at home

  4. Offer perks for homeworkers The free fruit in the office isn’t much use any more – what can you offer employees in their new environment?

  5. Recognise that every employee is different Some may relish working at home, but others may be struggling

  6. Provide their employees with health insurance to promote health awareness among their staff.

What employees can do to improve work-life balance?

  1. Set ‘physical’ boundaries Create a dedicated workstation if you can, separate from your normal living space – and take lunch breaks away from your desk.

  2. Set ‘mental’ boundaries Try to switch off after working hours, and focus on your mind on leisure time – whether that’s exercise, Netflix or spending time with the kids.

  3. Be open with your employer If you need help, ask. Your employer is still there to help, even if you’re sitting at home.

  4. Don’t always feel the need to be busy Relentlessly pursuing the next task on your list will take its toll. Spending a few minutes relaxing isn’t ‘lazy’ – it’s actively boosting your well-being.

Take positive steps for happiness – at work and home When done right, working at home is full of benefits – for you, for your employer and your loved ones. So whether you’re at home or abroad, take a step back and review your work-life balance. Is everything in harmony? Or are there some positive steps you can take to nudge things back in the right direction? A few small tweaks can make a world of difference – both at home and at work.


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Beverley Sinclair

Clinical Hypnotherapist

07956 694818



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