Coping with Grief
Are you coping with grief or working through a grieving process? If so hypnotherapy provides a safe way of recovering peace and well-being.
Overcoming Grief is a challenging emotional process. Moreover, one we all may be facing at some point in our lives.
Symptoms of grief
Grief affects us all differently. It impacts our emotional stability, causing stress and trauma. When grief is prolonged or repressed resulting in anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties As well as anger, guilt and emotional trauma. In addition, grief sometimes manifests itself through physical pain, addictions or sleep problems.
Grief is such a personal thing requiring personal treatment. Fortunately, hypnotherapy gets to the root of the problem bringing long-lasting relief.
How Hypnotherapy Helps With Grief
Many of us just need to talk through what we’ve dealt with and how we feel but don’t want to burden loved ones or friends. We try and protect those close to us so talking to a professional allows us to unburden without this worry. Hypnotherapy allows you to do this whilst also understanding the complex psychological and emotional responses you’ve used to cope and the healthiest way of moving on.
It’s not unusual for us to go into auto-pilot when dealing with grief. Many prefer to concentrate on the practicalities. Instead of allowing themselves time to feel. This is a self-protection method. It can work short term but hiding from our feelings causes both physical
and emotional problems in the future.
In addition, a recent event may be triggering feelings from our past that we never quite got over. Helping people go back and deal with those feelings and experiences brings about greater understanding and healing.
Emotional Support
Grief is complex because difficult situations usually involve more than one emotional response. We may be grieving the loss of a loved one but feeling resentment or anger towards their behaviour, or feeling guilty about how we left things.
Or if you’re grieving after a divorce, why are you so upset? What are you going to miss or what are you afraid of? Answering these questions brings an understanding of our grief. As well as finding new happiness.
Some of the most common signs of chronic grief issues are:
Sleep issues
‘Nothing else matters’ mentality
Fear and expecting the worst
Hypochondria or overreaction to risk
Distrust of people trying to help
Nightmares or replaying events over and over
