How To Heal Your Inner Child Steps To Heal Your Inner Child
In a previous post, I shared key signs to check if your inner child is hurting. In this week’s post, I’ll be giving therapist-approved strategies to help heal your inner child. With this, you can experience the joy of childlike playfulness and fun, which can help you better manage the more difficult times.
Acknowledgement As A First Step
The first step in healing your inner child is to first acknowledge it. As an adult, you may have tried to gloss over painful childhood memories or think events that happened when you were so young shouldn’t upset you. However, ignoring and carrying these experiences with you could be harming your inner child.
It can help to take some time to think back through your childhood. Reflect on some of the key moments in your childhood where you felt pain. You may want to journal through these experiences, drawing on how they made you feel at the time, and if you believe the events are impacting your life today.
Steps To Heal Your Inner Child
Reflect As An Adult
There were likely painful experiences as a child that you didn’t fully understand then. As an adult, it can help to reflect on these events with the hindsight and understanding that you have now as an adult.
This doesn’t mean that you should dismiss the feelings that you experienced. Instead, it may help to provide a clearer understanding of the situation, as you are now able to see the event from multiple perspectives.
If you need more support with this. I offer a hypnosis course on Letting Go Of Past Experiences. This can help you process and move on from negative experiences.
Be Ready To Help
Healing your inner child can often feel like your adult brain has to re-parent this inner child. With this, you need to offer support, love and a place of comfort. While this may seem strange, it can help to ask your inner child questions. Such as ‘how can I support you?’, ‘how are you feeling?’ and ‘is there anything you need?’.
You don’t have to answer immediately, but it can help to give your inner child the chance to be the priority when you’re adulting. What’s more, it can increase the sense of comfort and security that you (and your inner child) needs to feel safe.
Again, it may help to journal the answers that come up, as you can begin the see patterns. The act of freewriting also helps to tap into areas of the mind that you may ordinarily try to switch off.
Meditation is an excellent way to increase self-awareness. This can make it easier to identify and label any feelings you’re experiencing.
For children, it can be challenging to understand difficult emotions. Furthermore, children often have to suppress their emotions for the sake of being ‘good’ or ‘well-behaved’. As an adult, you may find that you carry this emotional suppression with you and now find it difficult to determine how you are feeling.
By practising meditation, you allow yourself to notice and pay attention to these emotions. With meditation, you can learn to sit with these feelings and accept them. This can help you to express these feelings in healthier ways. With this, you validate how your inner child is feeling, start becoming aware of triggers that can lead to difficult emotions. Loving-kindness-guided meditations can be a great place to start with this.