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5 Tips for Stress-Relief

Stress isn’t always bad. In small doses, it can help you perform under pressure and motivate you to do your best. 5 simple Tips for Stress-Relief

Take time out relax for 10 to 20 minutes as your go along your going to find that your mind has a tendency to wander around to other thoughts, simply bring it back and focus your attention on your breath, makes yourself comfortable if you want to close your eye, close them if you don't, that's fine too.

Close your eyes and begin deepening your breath

Counting helps. Try inhaling for a count of 6, holding for a count of 2, and exhaling for 6. Giving your mind this task to focus on will help clear your head.

Noticing that your breathing is becoming slower and steadier as you relax more and more.

Noticing your muscle groups are beginning to relax, your face muscles, your eyes, your neck, shoulders, your arms and your hands your whole body right down to the tips of your toes.

Continue to focus your attention on your breathing and just gently blow it away, blow your worries out, blow your stress out, repeat this process with any other worries that have been making you stressed, and blow each one of them out of your life.

Has you do, you immediately feel so much calmer, so much relaxed and so much more comfortable.

Meditation gives us space to breathe – literally! It’s so important to take time to find stillness and connect to our breath as a way of connecting to the present moment. It is through this stillness that we can cultivate mindfulness, awareness, and calmness. Meditation helps us find mental clarity, emotional steadiness, and physical body awareness. Meditation is also said to support wellness in the physical body because it is a powerful stress reliever. This brings us to another huge benefit of finding a meditation practice – meditation allows us to take a step back from what causes us stress and cope in a healthy, positive and empowering way.

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Beverley Sinclair

Clinical Hypnotherapist

07956 694818


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